"I'm The Effing President"
Trump's entire presidency can be summed up with his single, vulgar quote
Donald Trump, by way of his former aides at the White House, has given us one simple and declarative statement to sum up the entire four years of his failed presidency.
“I'm the effing president!”
Trump spit this out the morning of January 6, 2021, after he told his unruly supporters to go to the Capitol and “fight like hell” to overturn the legal and legitimate certification of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.
When the Secret Service told him that they would not be ferrying him to accompany the coming melee, Trump lunged at his driver, and in one of the only true statements he's uttered since first running for office, he barked, “I'm the 'effing' president, take me up to the Capitol now!”
This vignette comes out of testimony provided to the House select committee investigating the events surrounding the January 6 insurrection.
Of course we know that Trump ultimately returned to the White House and would watch the riot for his ostensible benefit unfolding on television with apparent — and perverse — glee.

This new revelation about what transpired within the presidential limousine — and the crude and forceful vulgarity which he spoke — is at once both stunning, in its own way, but also completely to be expected from the same man who bragged about grabbing women by a separate vulgarity referring to female anatomy.
This profane quote could well go down in annals of history defining his behavior in trying to orchestrate a couple. But, more: it serves as a fitting description, really, for the totality of Trump's conduct in office.
From beginning, to end, Trump seemed to behave like he had that one affirmation — “I’m the 'effing' president” — on a permanent loop running through his brain like some personal mantra.
It never mattered whether his conduct was ethical, helpful, presidential — or even legal — because he apparently would routinely tell even himself: “I'm the 'effing' president,” with the unspoken corollary “So I can do what I want.”
American presidents seem to have certain phrases, or statements, follow them through history.
For Franklin D Roosevelt, it was, “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.”
For John F Kennedy, it was, “Ask not what your country can do for you.”
And even Richard Nixon had the more-infamous, “I am not a crook.”
For Donald Trump, it will always be the even more ignominious, “I'm the 'effing' president.”
Yes, an inglorious statement for the most inglorious of presidents.
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