Tlaib Adds Affordable Housing Provision To Build Back Better Act
Provision would make $5 billion available to local communities
While the trajectory of much of the debate around the Democrats' Build Back Better Act over the last couple of months has been about paring away benefits and provisions in an attempt to whittle it back to something hold-out Democrats could support, one progressive congresswoman took the sprawling social spending package in the opposite direction.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich), a member of the progressive group known as “the Squad,” said that she introduced legislation known as the Bipartisan Restoring Communities Left Behind Act.

“Additionally, 30% of Black renters pay over 1/2 their income in rent. Thanks in part to its inclusion of the legislation I intro'd below, #BuildBackBetter will enable the construction, rehabilitation & improvement of more than 1 million affordable homes!” Tlaib tweeted.
Tlaib introduced her bill along with Rep Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), which would make $5 billion available to local communities through a grant program administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to fund neighborhood revitalization activities including homeowner rehabilitation assistance, weatherization, improved housing accessibility for seniors and people with disabilities, housing counseling, refinancing, property tax relief, and more.
The purpose of the grant program is to provide a flexible source of dedicated federal funding to assist localities in their community development and revitalization efforts, according to a statement from Tlaib's House office.
The House this week passed its version of the Build Back Better Act, where it now goes on to the Senate.
Democratic Sens Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, have proven fairly recalcitrant in their support for the bill, which is vital if Democrats hope to pass it and send it to President Biden to sign into law.
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