The vaccines have proven to be safe! The FDA just completely approved the Pfizer vaccine- not just “emergency authorization “ but FULL AUTHORIZATION.

At this point, the antivaxxers are just selfish & ignorant. They pose risks to everyone around them - especially children who are too young to be vaccinated at this point- so the decision is really NOT up to them. If they want to be ignorant & get very ill & possibly die w/o affecting anyone else, I wd say Great! Die! but that’s not the case.

They’re also straining hospital capabilities & capacities with their selfishness. These poor health professionals are burnt out after 1.5 years of this pandemic. But of course when the antivaxxers get sick, they rush off to the hospital & expect miracles.

In my opinion, they should not be treated. If these people were spreading misinformation, infecting others all while refusing to be vaccinated then they can handle their COVID all by themselves.

You reap what you sow.

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I didn't read your entire article it will just say this. The vaccine is not a solution for a mass. Simply because each body are made the same we are different in the state health. That difference is what has the vaccine having negative effects on the individual. Does the vaccine adjust itself according to the condition of the body it's injected into? No medication I've see is worth the risk. The pharmacy really need to be set on the shelf for a while. I'm sure their pocketbook can handle it. The commercials are going strong with pills that are trying to fix symptoms with side affects like organ failure, depression, suicide, and death. What's the point of taking the pill if the illness and the pill both have death as a equation. Antibiotic abuse has lead is to where we are health wise. Over prescribing and misdiagnosed illnesses that antibiotics were a fix all avenue. What it did was wipe out the humans ability to fight any kind of germ or virus. Putting it into the meat also killed our immune system. We have all been walking around for years like ticking time bombs. Every little germ has taken hold in our bodies without any resistance. People say they never get sick. Well how would you get sick with no immune system to respond to the germs that snuck in. You need a immune system to create a fever to kill the invader or certain good bacteria to do the work of digestion. Antibiotics are not particular on who they kill they wipe out all bacteria in your body. It is your responsibility to replenish the good with probiotics and such. The pharmacists does not tell you this and I'f you can't afford the follow up guess what you will end up with a disease from the bacteria in your gut being backed up with IBS . Constipation is common and obesity is being full of shit too. I don't trust the pharmacy because that are just trying to mop up the mess they made in the first place. And with what the same dirty mop from the first mistake. No thank you. I don't want anymore antibiotics in my system.

And I live in America which is a free country. Forcing the people to believe that the vaccine is the answer to our problem is absurd.

We really need to open our eyes and see that the bottom of our shoes is the biggest spreader of germs. Stepping in spit,shit, and landfill gunk is a factor that nobody even cares to realize.

Take a look around at the trees, lakes, and the sea off the coasts. Stop pushing for Big Pharma to make another buck and make them pay for the cleaning of the environment. The pills theyake are destroying and my leaders who are supposed to be for the people support their bright ideas.

Better yet why don't you look at the scientist out in Antarctica who are reviving billion year old organisms. Have the president slap them before they wake something up that has him and everyone else bleeding from their eyes. Their are things in the permafrost that are deadlier than the Corona virus. That cannot be killed. Stop modifying mosquitoes. If you believe that every solution is made in a lab then there is no hope for the people. Its only about the rich invested in the pharmacy and the poor being forced to take their pills. This is not a shut up and take your medication Civilization.

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