It's not often that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, conservative commentator SE Cupp, White House press secretary Jen Psaki and one-time-George W Bush staffer-turned-MSNBC-host Nicholle Wallace all line up on the same side.
I keep hearing about the Supreme Court upholding the law as it was passed by the voters in Texas who believe that no matter how far along a baby (some use the term fetus but this is a baby) that child deserves to live. I am not going to even try to argue that point but I think it is important to understand that the voters in Texas who voted for this law believe in life for these babies. I am happy to be one of those who voted for life as these babies do not have any voice except for those who believe life begins at conception not when someone decides it is convenient.
I keep hearing about the Supreme Court upholding the law as it was passed by the voters in Texas who believe that no matter how far along a baby (some use the term fetus but this is a baby) that child deserves to live. I am not going to even try to argue that point but I think it is important to understand that the voters in Texas who voted for this law believe in life for these babies. I am happy to be one of those who voted for life as these babies do not have any voice except for those who believe life begins at conception not when someone decides it is convenient.